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Finish The Sentence

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You should know that .......
I think it's weird that...
I never ever...
My super power...
One time I dreamed...
One time when it was really hard to wait....
Everyone ....
I'm nervous about...
The best day...
I don't like....
I wish someone would...
I would like to live...
I like to watch...
I love it when ...
If I were famous...
My parents would never let me ...
Sometimes I don't feel lie ....
What I like most about my bedroom...
If I were super tall...
When I am a little bit older...
Something I really like about my teacher...
In the snow I like to ...
If I had a twin...
I would like to learn ...
I really don't like to touch ...
I'm scared of...
One thing my parent does for me is...
I think I am pretty good at...
I hope I can ...
Something that makes me mad ...
It really hurts when ...
When I get old ...
In the summer, ...
When I was a baby ...
One place I would really like to go again ...
I had so much fun ....
One really terrible day ....
I'm so proud of ....
My best friend and I ...
On my last birthday, ...
Last night, ...
I wonder if....