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Vocabulary #3
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1 i have Goals
2 mi dad have in Goals
1 my mom is Take pride for my
2 i am have Take pride for my brother
1 i have a Succeed
2 my sister is Succeed
1 i have Set goals
2 my mom have in Set goals
1 i imagination the plan
2 i have a plan
1 my dad is Get results in the job
2 ihave Get results in the school
1 i have aim the rock
2 my brotgher is aim
1 today in language class we were the tyni
2 i love the tiny
! i have very very Terrified
2 my dog is very Terrified
1 i have Starving
2my brother is Starving
1 my house is very Huge
2 my jarden is veri Huge
2 my mom is Hilarious
2 my dad is Hilarious
1. the movie is very Hideous
2.the ghost is so very Hideous
1the necklace the my granmother is very Gorgeous
2 my rock is Gorgeous
1.my dad is Furious
2 my granfather is very Furious
1.the dog is very Filthy
2.the car is Filthy
1.the circus is very magic and Fascinating
2. the movie is very Fascinating
1.i very Exhausted for de execise
2. my dad is very Exhausted for the job
1. the medicine is very Awful
2 .the food the my brother is very Awful
1.my grandmother a has a mysterious Box Ancient
2. i very like the ancient