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vocabulary 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. I´m have goals
2. My brother have goals
1. These kids take pride in them
2. My parents take pride whith my
1. I´m succeed in karate
2. You succeed in your work
1. I´m set goals
2. My mom set goals whith this year
1. A leader make plans
2. My dad make plan
1. I´m get results in my test
2. Your get results in your video game
1. The hunters aim a animals?
2. My dad aim his flashlight
1. The rats are tiny
2. The bacterias are very tiny
1. My brother is terrified
2. This children is terrified
1. My brother have starving
2. My friend have starving
1. Clifford is a huge dog
2. Foot big is huge
1. This clown is a very hilarious
2. This person is hilarious
1. This car is hideous
2. These glasses are hideous
1. This puppy is gorgeous
2. The animals are gorgeous
1. My brother is furious
2. I am furious
1. This chees is filthy
2. This water is filthy
1. This car is fascinating
2. This house is fascinating
1. My mom is exhausted
2. My brother is exhausted
1. This chemicals is awful
2. This medicine is awful
1. tutankhamun live in ancient times
2. The mayas live in ancient time