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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Ancient "This is so ancient"
"You are so ancient"
19.-Awful "This is so awful or it's me?"
"Yes that awful so bad"
18.- Exhausted "I'm so exhausted, and you?"
"I so esxhausted to"
17.-Fascinating "You are facinating?"
"Yes, I facinating"
16.-Filthy "You are fithy?"
"Yes, I'm fithy"
15.- Furious "You are furious?"
"Yes, I'm furious"
14.- Gorgeous "This is so gorgeous"
"Yes, this is so gorgeous"
13.-Hideous "This is so hideous"
"Yes this is so hideous"
12.- Hilarious "This is so hilarious"
"No, this is no hilarious"
11.-Huge "I so huge"
"This animal is so huge"
10.-Starving "You are starving?"
"Yes, I'm starving"
9.-Terrified "You are terrified?"
"Yes, I terrified"
8.- Tiny "This is so tiny"
"You are so tiny"
7.- Aim "You have some aim?"
"Yes I have some aim"
6.-Get results "You get results?"
"Yes, I get results"
5.-Make plans "I make plans for today"
"I make plans for tomorrow"
4.-Set goals "I set goals for my study year"
"I set goals for the future"
3.-Suceed "You need to suceed it"
"I suceed it"
2.- Take pride "I take pride to me"
"I take pride about you"
1.- Goals "I have goals for all the year"
"I have goals to the future"