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Vocabulary 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-I have many goals to do
2.-I try to do all my goals in my future
1.-I take pride of all the things i do good
2.-I take pride of me
1.-I wanna succeed in all my goals
2.-I trie to succeed in my test
1.-I seat goals in my mind
2.-I seat goals is important to my future
1.-I make plan of my work
2.-I make plan of my picnic day
1.-I wanna get results good in my test
2.-I get results of my test
1.-I aim good results in my exam
2.-I aim talk good in my presentation
1.-My dog is tiny
2.-My dolls are tiny
1.-When i finish to see a scary movie i am terrified
2.-I see this monster and i am terrified
1.-If i dont eat i starving
2.-Mom i am starving
1.-Clifford is huge
2.-I wanna a huge cake
1.-My friend is so hilarious
2.-This game is so hilarious
1.-The monster in the movie is hideous
2.-The scary movie is hideous
1.-This butterfly is gorgeous
2.-This dress is gorgeous
1.- My friend took my toy away i am furious
2.-When i lose in a game i am furious
1.-When i finish play i am filthy
2.-I fell in the park and now i am filthy
1.-The park is fascinating
2.-This book is fascinating
1.-After do all my homework i am exhausted
2.-My mom after his job he is exhausted
1.-This medicine is awful
2.-The trasher is awful
1.-My grandparents is a ancient people
2.-My mom have ancient things