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Electricity & Magnetism

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can electric currents produce?
When an electric current flows through a coil it..
Generates a magnetic force
When an electric current flows through a conductor it...
Can heat up
The electrons always move in the same direction is called...
A direct current
What are materials that do not conduct electric current well?
What allow electrons to flow through them easily?
What is the movement of electrically charged particles through a material?
An electric current
What is the needle on a compass?
A magnet
The Earth behaves like a....
giant magnet
Magnets can exert....
magnetic forces
When an electric current flows through a piece of magnetic metal such as iron, it creates an....
What are the two magnetic poles?`
North pole and South Pole
What is an imaginary line joining the two poles?
The magnetic axis
What is an object that attracts objects made of iron and other magnetic metals?
A magnet
Particles that have an electrical charge are called....
What are particles?
Objects have tiny parts that can be exchanged with another object.
What can have a positive charge or a negative charge?
What happens when there is a force that makes objects move apart?
Electrically charged objects repel each other
What happens when there is a force that makes two objects move towards each other?
They attract each other
What happens when we rub a pen against a wool jumper and then hold the pen near some small pieces of paper?
The paper will stick to the pen. (the pen becomes electrically charged)
Objects that have an electrical charge...
Attract or repel each other