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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The intestines are part of the.....
Digestive system
The stomach is part of the...
Digestive system
The lungs are part of the...
Respiratory system
The trachea is part of the...
Respiratory system
Blood vessels part of the.....
Circulatory system
The heart is part of the.....
Circulatory system
The kidneys are part of the...
Excretory system
Where does excretion take place?
The excretory system
What is the process called when waste products that are created during nutrition are eliminated from the body?
Where does circulation take place?
Circulatory System
What is the process of circulation?
When blood vessels carry nutrients and oxygen around the body and collect waste products created during nutrition.
What carries nutrients and oxygen around the body and collects waste products?
Blood vessels
Where does respiration take place?
The respiratory system
What is needed to get energy from nutrients?
What is the process called when the body obtains oxygen from the air?
Where does digestion take place?
The digestive system
What is the digestive system?
When the body breaks down food to obtain nutrients.
How many process are involved in nutrition?
Where do we get energy and materials from?
The nutrients that we get from food
What do we need to grow and repair the body?
Different materials
What do we need to walk, run, and think?
Nutrition is a combination of processes that supplies out body with.......
building materials and energy we need to live