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6th grade - Exponents and square root (review)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Calculate the exponent: six to the second power
Calculate the exponent: four to the third power
Calculate the exponent: 7² + 4²
Calculate the exponent: 5² + 2²
TRUE OR FALSE:10 squared is twenty
TRUE OR FALSE:three cubed is 27
TRUE OR FALSE:Base and index are the same thing.
False. Index is also called exponent or power.
TRUE OR FALSE: In daily life, exponents are used to simplifly only very large numbers
False. Exponents are also used to simplify small numbers.
Name the parts of the radical
Index, radicand and radical symbol
Name the parts of the exponents
Base and exponent (or power)
What is an exponent?
It is a number that shows how many times a number is used in a multiplication.
What is a root?
It is a inverse operation of the exponent.