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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the app do?
At the moment I have an IPhone 6.
I'm needing a new laptop. Mine's five years old and pretty slow.
WRONG! I need a new laptop. Mine's five years old and pretty slow.
We don't use our phones at work. It's not allowed.
How many friends from college are you keeping in touch with?
WRONG! How many friends from college do you keep in touch with?
Are you using your computer? Can I borrow it?
Hi, It's me. Do you do anything? Can I come over?
WRONG! Hi, it's me. Are you doing anything? Can I come over?
You're speaking too quickly. Can you slow down?
Hi, Sally. How are things? Where do you call from?
WRONG! Hi, Sally. How are things? Where are you calling from?
She's usually checking her phone about once an hour.
WRONG! She usually checks her phone about once an hour.
We're writing to you to give you some great news about our new broadband package.
He's knowing a lot about computers.
WRONG: He knows a lot about computers.
Your phone contract seems expensive.
Some people are buying a new smartphone every year.
WRONG: Some people buy a new smartphone every year.