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The house

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 9 things you can find in a house
a carpet, a mirror, a lamp, a picture, a table, chairs, an armchair, a sofa, a dishwasher, a washing machine
Name 5 types of rooms in a house
a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room, a hall, a toilet, a study,...
What parts of a room can you name? Name 3.
a wall, a ceiling, a floor, stairs, a balcony
What thing makes our flat/ house cold? We need it in summer.
Air conditioning
What things do make our house/flat warm?
a fireplace, a central heating
What room is it?A space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building.
A hall
What things can you find in a bathroom? Name 3
a mirror, a bath (tub), a shower, a shelf.....
What things can you find in a bedroom? Name 5.
a bed, a lamp, a bedside table, an armchair, a wardrobe,...
What room is it? An underground room often used for storing things.
a cellar
What things can you find in a kitchen? Name 5.
a fridge, a sink, a microwave oven, an oven, a table, chairs, cupboards, a dishwasher
Tell us what rooms are there in your flat/house?
a bathroom, a living room, a bedroom, a toilet, a children's bedroom
What things can you find in a living room?
a sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, a fireplace, a lamp.....