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DNA Structure/PS/ Meiosis review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it called when homologous chromosomes exchange pieces of genetic material?
crossing over
How many cell divisions happen in meiosis?
Cells at the end of meiosis are haploid or diploid
Sperm and egg cells are called
Chromosomes with the same genes (one from mom and one from dad) are
Homologous Chromosomes
Somatic cells have two sets of chromosomes so they are _____
Where does replication take place?
Give 2 differences between DNA and RNA
1. 2 vs 1 strand. 2. Thymine vs Uracil. 3. Location 4. Sugar in each
What is the name given to the enzyme that unzips DNA?
What is the name of the sugar found in DNA?
Deoxyribose Sugar
In order for protein synthesis to occur, mRNA must migrate from the nucleus to
the ribosome
How do proteins affect DNA and gene expression?
Turn genes on and off, wrap and unwrap DNA
What are the three nucleotides on a tRNA molecule called?
What are three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule that code for an amino acid called?
What starts transcription?
RNA polymerase bonding to promote
What molecules is DNA “rewritten” into during transcription?
What are the three types of RNA?
What is Chargaff’s rule?
A=T & C=G
What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogen Base
What is the function of DNA?
store and transmit genetic information and regulate the production proteins