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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Well: in a good or satisfactory way.
Adverb. My mom say well for my good grades.
Dangerous: able or likely to cause harms or injury.
Adjective. Smoking at a gas station is dangerous.
Excited: very enthusiastic and eager.
Adjective. Yesterday i went to the mountains with my friends and it was excited
Allow: give permission to do something.
Verb. Pets do not allow on IRTRA.
High shelves: shelves that high extend form the bottom.
Noun. I have a high shelve for my books.
Snacks: a small amount of food between meals.
Noun. I eat snack when i go to the movies.
Hopscotch: it is a game in which each child by turn hops into and over squares marked on the ground to retrieve a marker thrown into one of these squares.
Noun. When i was younger, i used to play hopscotch.
Take a nap: to seleep for a short preriod of time during the day.
Idiom. My grandfather takes a nap after lunch.
Worse: less well or skifully.
Comparative adverb. My brother had the worst grade in his histoty.
Sooner: in or after a short time.
Comparative adverb. The cheetah is the animal sooner on earth.
More slowly: at a slow speed
Comparative adverb. A snail is more slowly a turtle.
More quietly: free, or comparatively free, from noise.
Comparative adverb. The teachers needs the students to be more quietly.
More quickly: moving capable or moving or higher speed.
Comparative adverb. He won the competition because he was more quickly than the other.s
More loudly: making lourder noise.
Comparartive adverb. that man calls his neighbors more loudly because they don´t listen.
Later: after the present, expected, our usual time, comparative oflate.
Comparative adjective. I get up later on weekends.
Harder: solid, firm and rigid, nor easily broken, bent or pierced.
Comparative adjective. Some fruits are harder than others.
Faster: at hifh speed.
Comparative adjective. I run faster than 2 years ago.
Earlier: hapening or done before the usual or expected time
Comparative adjective. I get up earlier during the week.
Better: of a more excellent or efective type or quality.
Comparative adjective. This computer is better than the tablet.