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cell divison

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Certain viruses carry genes called _____ that can cause cancer.
HPV stands for______ and is a virus that Virus produces a protein that causes proteasomes to destroy the p53 protein.
Human papilloma virus; p53 protein; absence of this suppressor protein causes cells to proliferate without control
If a cell undergoing mitosis normally has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each of the daughter cells have?
True or false? Every somatic cell in the human body has a total of 46 genes
Help organize mitotic spindle used in cell division
Devoted to last minute protein synthesis as cell prepares to divide.
DNA is replicated and become double stranded. The replicated chromosome are attached together at the centromere and are known as sister chromatids. Each is an exact copy of the other and is called a chromatid.
S phase
Cell prepares for replication. Cell produces all the enzymes required for DNA replication and duplicates most of its organelles
G1 phase
The normal functional state of a cell not dividing
G0 phase
Name of the test to identify and evaluate the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a body cell.
Chromatin shortens and coils into chromosomes, nucleoli and nuclear envelope disappear. A centrosome and its centrioles move to opposite poles, and mitotic spindles from.
Sister chromatids separate and chromosomes move to opposite poles of cell
Cleavage furrow forms around the center of cell, progresses inward, and separates cytoplasm into two separate and usually equal portions.
True or false? Meiosis is the mechanism by which eggs and sperm cells are produced
true or false? Mitosis produces 4 daughter cells identical to the parent cells
The cell membrane constricts along the plane of the center plate forming a cleavage furrow. Cytoplasm divides resulting in two daughter cells each with DNA that is identical to the DNA of the parent cell
The nucleoil and nuclear membrane disappear
Chromosomes align on the equatorial plate of the cell
Nuclear membrane and nucleoli reappear
Centromers separate and chromosomes begin migration toward opposite poles of the cell
Chromatin coils and condenses to form chromosomes
Nuclear envelope reappears and encloses chromosomes, chromosomes resume chromatin form, nucleoli reappear, and mitotic spindle disappears.
What is the correct sequence of the cell cycle beginning with interphase is:
G1, S G2, mitosis
type of microtubules that are short and are attached to the cell membrane/cytoskeleton and anchor the centrosomes into position
aster microtubules
type of microtubules that expand to opposite poles and lengthen the cell. These microtubules oriented parallel to each other but in opposing directions, and are crucial for pushing the centrosome and spindle apparatus apart
Polor microtubules
the ___________ is a molecular motor on each side of the centromere
centrosomes/centrioles begin to sepaerate and move toward opposite ends of the cell and produce the mitotic spindle
During prophase chromatids are held together at a region called the
In this mitotic phase, chomotin condense to form chromosomes
Phase of interphase where some cells go temporarily and other never leave. The cells that enter this phase are considered to be in their normal functioning state. Muscle and nerve cells are an example of these.
G0 phase
Stage of interphase that is devoted to last minute protein synthesis as cell prepares to divide.
When S phase is finished the original DNA molecule has become two identical DNA molecules that are attached together at the ____________ and are now known as sister _________
centromere; chromatids
stage of interpgase wgen DNA is replicated. The two strands of the DNA helix separate and become the template for the new complimentary___________
S phase; nucleotides
stage of interphase where the cell prepares for replication by producing all the enzymes required for DNA replication and duplicates most of its organelles is called
The phase in which the cell is preparing for division
a somatic cell undergoes ________ and results in 2 genetically __________ cells.
mitosis; identical