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Electric and Magnetic Forces

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What two things could a person do to increase the strength of an electromagnet?
Add more batteries or more coils
When your hair stands on end, each strand repelling the other, you are experiencing __________ __________.
Static electricity
__________ have a positive charge.
__________ have a negative charge.
When electrons all spin in the same direction, they create an invisible force known as __________.
The two types of charges in electric and magnetic forces are __________ and __________.
Positive and negative
Which of the following is an example of an electromagnet? A: Speakers B: Motor C: Both A and B
Both A and B
What makes an electromagnet stronger? The more __________, the more power.
The more coils
Inward or outward: An electric field that is positive (+) moves __________ to/from the charge
The area around an electric charge that experiences the force exerted by the electric charge is called the __________ __________
Electric Field
When electrons flow through wires from a negative (-) terminal to a positive (+) terminal, a __________ is created.
Electric charges that do not move through a current are known as __________ __________
Static Electricity
Stronger or weaker: The magnetic field of a magnet is __________ further away from the magnet
In a magnet, opposite poles __________.
Electric or magnetic: This force occurs when there is an attractive and repulsive force between two poles.
Electric or magnetic: This force occurs when ions create attractive and repulsive forces.
Which of these forces only works by combining electric and magnetic forces? A) magnetic B) electric C) electromagnetism
Atoms that have a positive charge will be attracted to atoms that have a __________ charge.