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Primary sector

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Spanish mining industry is more important that Spanish fishing industry. TRUE OR FALSE
What is the name of the farm which raises cows
cattle farm
The primary sector takes ___________ _______________ (raw materials / manufactured products) from nature to produce manufactured products.
raw materials
There are two types of arable farming:
dry crops and irrigated crops
What is the most important activity in the primary sector?
Arable farming
What are the main activities of the primary sector?
Arable farming, livestock farming, fishing and mining (in any order)
These crops need water so farmers use canals and machines to watering them
Irrigated crops
These crops only need rainfall
Dry crops
Sheep farming can give us things like....... to make clothes.
There are two types of fishing
Inshore and offshore or deep sea
In this type of fishing they use small boats and fish near the coast.
Inshore fishing
In this type of fishing they use bigger boats, usually with a refrigerator, and the fishing trips are longer-- days, weeks or even months long.
Deep-sea offshore fishing
Spanish fishing industry is one of the most important in Europe. TRUE OR FALSE