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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the non-green alternative to cloth shopping bags?
Plastic bags
What is the green alternative to plastic bottles?
Reusable bottles
Would a green consumer buy a solar charger? Why?
Yes, because....
What method of payment would you use to buy a mobile phone at the store?
What method of payment would you use to buy a mobile phone on amazon?
electronic payment
What method of payment would you use to buy vegetables in a local store?
What strategy is this advertising using?
What type od advertissing is this one?
persuasive advertising
What type od advertsing is this one?
persuasive advertising
What type od advertising is this one?
public service or persuasive advertising
What type od advertising is this one?
Public service or informative advertising
What is the name of the department that invents new products for the company?
Research and development department
What type of company is a company with 500 employees?
Large company
What is the name of the department that manages the money in a company?
Accounting and finances department
This department buys material and services the company needs
Purchasing department
This department employs and manage the company’s employees
Human Resources department
What’s is the name of the department that creates advertising for products or services in a company?
Marketing department
_________ have between 50 and 250 employees
What department creates the product or service the company sells?
Production Department
Give one example of consumption in the economy
Give one example of consumption in the exonomy
Give one example os distribution in the economy
A toys company sells dolls for 48€. The cost of production is 50€. Is the company making a profit?
No, they are loosing money.
Give one example of production