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Unit 3 Eating in, eating out

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
It's a cooker
What is this?
It's a cupboard
Would you like some / any milk?
Would you like some milk?
What is this?
It's a mirror
Is there / Are there / Isn’t there any eggs in the kitchen?
Are there any eggs in the kitchen?
Correct the mistake: There are any stickers in the album? (Question)
ARE THERE any stickers in the album?
Correct the mistake: There aren't some pencils in the pencil case.
There aren't ANY pencils in the pencil case
There is an orange in the fridge (?)
Is there an orange in the fridge?
There are some books in the cupboard. (?)
Are there any books in the cupboard?
_______________ a laptop in the cupboard.
There is a laptop in the cupboard
______________ an old man sitting on the bench in the park
There is/ there isn't an old man sitting on the bench in the park
__________________ any students in the sports centre
There aren't any students in the sports centre
__________ some books in the library
There are some books in the library
(?) There are some students in the classroom
Are there any students in the classroom?
(-) There are two bedrooms in my house
There aren’t any bedrooms in my house./ There aren’t two bedrooms in my house
There are_______ pencils in my pencil case
There are SOME pencils in my pencilcase
There aren’t ______ melons in my fridge
There aren’t ANY melons in my fridge
(-) _______________ children in the classroom.
There aren't any children in the classroom.
___________ an old man sitting on the bench in the park.
There is an old man sitting on the bench in the park.
Correct the mistake: There isn't some water in the glass.
There isn't any water in the glass