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W. Roentgen quiz

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Where and when was W. Roentgen born?
Germany, 1845
Why was W. Roentgen left penniless at the end of his life?
The economic conditions after World War I were difficult and he was unwilling to make money from his discovery.
Why didn’t W. Roentgen keep the Nobel Prize money?
He kept away from fortune, so decided to donate the money to a scientific society.
Why did W. Roentgen refuse to make public speeches?
He was a very shy person and did not like publicity.
Why was W. Roentgen late for dinner one day in 1895?
He put a small lead disk between the tube and the screen and saw a horrible shadow on the screen: the skeletal outline of the bones.
Why did W. Roentgen place various objects between the tube and the screen?
He wanted to see if there would be light on the screen.