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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Personification or Onomatopoeia? "Time crawled as Anthony waited for class to be over."
Personification: Time cannot crawl
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "The happy flowers grew to be the tallest plants in the garden."
Personification: Flowers cannot be happy
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "When Monica walked through the shoe store, each shiny pair of high heels called out to her."
Personification: shoes cannot speak
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "The wind whispered through the dark and gloomy forest."
Personification: wind cannot whisper
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "As Vince tried to park, his truck kissed the bumper of another car.."
Personfication: A truck cannot kiss.
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "Dissatisfied with her work, Beth crinkled up the paper and threw it in the trash."
onomatopoeia: crinkled
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "Juan had a hard time hearing the teacher over his grumbling stomach."
onomatopoeia: grumbling
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "As the soldier ran through the field, a bullet whizzed by his ear"
Onomatopoeia: whizzed
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "As Daryl was gargling his mouthwash, he regretted starting his day with orange juice."
onomatopoeia: gargling
Personification or Onomatopoeia? "Spaceman Spiff zapped the alien with his ray-gun."
Onomatopoeia: zapped
Correct or incorrect? "He were told to stay away from that dog."
Correct or incorrect? "I feel like I am getting sick."
Correct or incorrect? "I think we is supposed to turn left"
Correct or incorrect? "Were you lonely last night?"
Correct or Incorrect? "They was late for the show."
words that mimic sounds
the way someone says something
giving human qualities to nonhuman things
how you feel
words that describe nouns