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Pre-Revolutionary America

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a Loyalist?
A colonist who is loyal to the British king and is grateful under British protection
What was the colonial army called?
The Continental Army or the Patriot army
Who was Paul Revere?
An MA militia man who warned colonists that the "Regulars were marching" before Lexington
What is the second battle of the Revolution?
The Battle of Concord, fought a few hours after Lexington
What is the "shot heard 'round the world?"
The first shot fired at Lexington which started the American Revolution.
What is the first battle of the Revolution?
The Battle of Lexington, 1775
What's the difference between a war and a battle?
There are many battles in each war. Battles are smaller events in one large war.
What is a "Revolution?"
a big change
Why did the Redcoats want to march to Concord, Massachusetts?
The Redcoats heard the MA militia stored weapons in the town of Concord, MA
What is a militia?
Volunteer soldiers who fight during emergencies
What is a militia?
Volunteer soldiers who fight during emergencies
What is a militia?
Volunteer soldiers who fight during emergencies
What does "delegate" mean?
elected representative
What does "repeal" mean?
Why decisions did the First Continental Congress make?
Ask the king to repeal the Intolerable Acts in MA, boycott British goods, start militias in each colony
Who was the president of the Continental Congress?
John Hancock
Why is the Continental Congress important?
It is the first time the colonies united and have their own government
What is the Continental Congress?
First government in America