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Prehistory and ancient history

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: The Romans spoke Spanish
False! They spoke Latin (which later was adapted to other languages, including Spanish)
True or false: Greeks made beautiful buildings and sculptures
In Ancient history the first civilisations where the Greeks and the R.......?
Name one thing that cavemen discovered
Fire/ wheel. writing
True or false: Cavemen made paintings on the wall
True or false: In prehistory, people collected fruit and plants to eat
True or false: Cavemen were vegetarian and never hunted or fished
False! They hunted and fished for their food
In prehistory, what did people live in?
True or false: Before prehistory, humans existed in the world
True or false: Pre-history includes palaeolithic and neolithic ages.
True or false: Pre-history is the oldest period, it started 5 million years ago.