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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say 世紀?
It's century.
How do you say 休暇?
It's vacation.
Finish the sentence: Friday next week is a ______________.
Friday next week is a holiday.
Make the question: What's the 日付 today?
What's the date today?
Finish the sentence: there are four __________ in a year.
There are four seasons in a year.
What's this action? Hint: 光る
It's shine.
What's this? Hint: 暗い
It's dark.
How do you say 輝いている、明るい?
It's bright.
What's this? Hint: 光、明かり
It's light.
How do you say 方法 or やり方?
It's way.
How do you say ...を置く、決める or 一式?
It's set.
Make the sentence: I 集める Pokemon cards.
I collect Pokemon cards
How do you say ...を試みる?
It's try.
How do you say ...をする?
It's do.
How are they feeling? Answer with a 感情. They are...
They are happy.
How do you say 夢 or 夢を見る?
It's dream.
What's this?
It's a smile.
How do you say 心 , 気持ち, or 心臓?
It's heart.