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The Roman Empire

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CE means . .
Common Era
BCE means . . .
before the common era
Name one of the branches of Roman Government
Senate, assemblies or consuls
Why were the Christians persecuted in Rome?
weird rituals, crimes against mankind, brotherly kisses
What religious group was persecuted by the Romans?
Name a modern day country that has had Roman influence.
England, Jordan, Syria, Italy, Spain
Name a popular sport of the Romans
fighting, chariot races, gladiator games
Name an item of Roman plumbing
baths, aqueducts, sewers
From your readings did Roman soldiers love or hate Cesar?
What was the language spoken by the Romans?
Under Augustus Ceasar, Rome had what type of governement
What was the most important tool of the emperor?
The army
What did the Romans build?
Aqueducts, roads, bridges, spas, schools, etc.
The Romans conquered all the nations of the ......... sea
In an empire, all power is the hands of ....
an emperor
True or False? America has Roman government elements or parts
Your Roman coin commemorated the conquering of what country?
Romans were good...
Engineers, architects, builders
Rome was first a monarchy, then a Republic and at last...
An Empire
Roman government was divided into how many parts?
Why was voting hard for the regular people in Rome?
They had to travel a long distance to vote.