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Do you know your teacher?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: Miss Tacy hates Star Wars.
What is the name of the teacher's favourite Marvel villain?
Does Miss Tacy like to watch series?
Yes, she does.
Can miss Tacy play videogames?
No, she can't. :/
How many books did Miss Tacy read last year?
She read 27 books last year.
True or false: one of my hobbies is reading.
True or false: Miss Tacy has lived in Cape Town, South Africa.
True of false: Miss Tacy has lived in New York.
True or false: Miss Tacy has lived in London.
What are the rhythms teacher Tacy knows how to dance?
She knows how to dance forró, samba, zouk and hip hop.
True or false: teacher Tacy loves sea food.
True or false: her favourite food is hamburger.
Does your teacher like dogs?
Yes, she does.
Does your teacher like cats?
Yes, she does.
What's her favourite candy?
What's her first and last name?
Tacyane Guimarães