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Kobe Bryant

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Kobe Bryant is the most famous _____ player in history
For what team did Kobe Bryant play for?
What is the Mamba mentality?
Trying to be the best version of yourself. Everyday you're trying to become better.
According to Kobe what's more important Being an athletic or learning the fundamentals/basics of playing properly?
Learning the fundamentals/basics of playing properly
How did Kobe watch the NBA games while living in Italy?
His granfather would videotape the NBA games and mail it to him
What sport helped Kobe improve his footwork and quickness?
Where did Kobe's family move when he was 6 years old?
What was Kobe Bryant's dad's nickname?
Jelly Bean
How did Kobe Bryant get his first name?
His dad decide to name him from an expensive type of beef from Japan
Where was Kobe Bryant born?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
True or False: Kobe Bryant NEVER won an Olympic gold medal