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vocabulary #2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1 i am leader the my group
2 my dad is leader the my group
1 my brother become en chef
2 my sister become en medic
the youtube is very challenge
my friend i have challenge
1 dad tells me everything has a resolution
2 my mom tells me everything has a resolution
1 i imagination the plan
2 i have a plan
1 my test is very categorize
2 i like the categorize anime
1 my dog behavior is stranger
2 the bunny is behavior is weird
1 i stress for the homework
2 my mom is stress today
1 I AM i have the recess to homeworck
2 it´s time to recess
1 today my theacher is survey
2 today is turvey the food
1 i forget my book in the park
2 my mom is forget the cellphone in the car
1 my brother is very distraction
2 the tv is distraction
1 my neighbor is weird
2 my cat is very very weird
2 my parther is advice de my other parther is copy the test
2 my mom is advice the don´t shawer
1 my dog is look out
2 de my granmpa is look out the windows
1 my test is tomorrow
2 my brother test medic
2.my friend is very study
2 my brother is study
1. i review is for my exam
2.i review my homeworks
1.I do research
2. my dad is research for de vediogame
1. my mom is report the bad person
2 ,i report the parther