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Reported Speech B1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Kaya: "I must prepare a presentation about a fiction book."
Ms. Kaya said she had to prepare a presentation about a fiction book.
Ms. Kaya: "I had written 3 books before I started college."
Ms. Kaya said she had written 3 books before she started college.
Ms. Kaya: "I may give you one more tip."
Ms. Kaya said she might give us/me one more tip.
Ms. Kaya: "I've uploaded a cartoon strip in Google Classroom."
Ms. Kaya said she had uploaded a cartoon strip in Google Classroom.
Ms. Kaya: "I can help you with your homework."
Ms. Kaya said she could help us with our homework.
Ms. Kaya: "I have to read the manual before I build the bookshelves."
Ms. Kaya said she had to read the manual before she built the bookshelves.
Ms. Kaya: "Kaan is going to read the paragraph in the text book."
Ms. Kaya said Kaan was going to read the paragraph in the text book.
Ms. Kaya: "I'm reading the Bitcoin guidebook."
Ms. Kaya said she was reading the Bitcoin guidebook.
Ms. Kaya: "I didn't like the new book by Murakami."
Ms. Kaya said she hadn't liked the new book by Murakami.
Ms Kaya: "I read travel blogs regularly."
Ms. Kaya said she read travel blogs regularly.