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Break Time
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Does Tiger say sorry for cheating?
Was Tiger right or wrong to cheat?
Who says, "Do you want to play a board game?"
What are Sue and Tiger going to play?
a board game
Do Jay and Li want to play cards now?
How is Tiger cheating?
he's got extra cards under his foot
Why is Li angry?
Tiger is cheating
Does he like this game?
yes, he does
Why is Tiger happy?
he's the winner
It's Tiger's turn. What cards does he want?
A six and a seven
It's Jay's turn. What card does he want?
A four
How many cards has everyone got?
Where are Sue, Jay and Li?
in the playground
What does Sue want to play?
Is it time for a lesson or break time?
Break time
Where are Sue, Jay and Li?
at school, in the classroom