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EP4 History Q4 Chiang Mai Study

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How old is M. Tim?
32 years old
Which gate was mainly used for funeral processions?
Suan Prung Gate
What was the Tha Pae Gate mainly used for?
Trade and Commerce
Kru Ba Si Wichai was born in ______.
Which famous Northern Thai monk was born in Lamphun?
Kru Ba Si Wichai
Which gate of the old city of Chiang Mai is most sacred? This is where Kings would enter the city.
North Gate
What was Chiang Mai supposed to represent in the way it was built?
A Human Body
What is culture?
History, art, food, language, music, clothing/costumes, religion, etc.
What does "Chiang Mai" mean?
New City
Which year did they start building the new capital of the Lanna Kingdom, Chiang Mai?
1296 AD
Which year did Lanna finally conquer Hariphunchai?
1281 AD
Which two Kings did Mangrai form the "Strong Pact of Friendship"?
Ramkhamhaeng of Sukthothai & Ngam Muang of Phayao
What does Lan Na mean?
Land of a Million Rice Fields
Who was the spy King Mangrai sent to Hariphunchai to spread discontent?
Ai Fa
Where was King Mangrai born?
Chiang Saen
What evidence do we have of PRE Lanna settlements in Chiang Mai/Northern Thailand?
Cave paintings, stone arrowheads, poison tipped arrowheads, coffins