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vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is my first album as leader, composer and producer.
This is my first album as leader, composer and producer.
Now, it seems that the project can become a reality.
The person is much more weak and may become epilepti
The third challenge is a combination of time and resources.
This is a challenge to the art of its time.
My delegation has taken note of the resolution on development
Adopted by the United Nations in resolution 34/180, of 1979.
Puede cooperar con un plan para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.
Formule un plan para evaluar el éxito de su programa.
But these teachers were not easy to categorize or define.
But these teachers were not easy to categorize or define
The behavior is one of complete absorption in a task.
The behavior is one of complete absorption in a task.
These changes can cause stress and conflict in the family.
These changes can cause stress and conflict in the family.
Okay, we have time for one more report before recess.
Okay, we have time for one more report before recess.
Explain the purpose of your survey in a brief introduction.
Explain the purpose of your survey in a brief introduction.
Yeah, and the rest of his life trying to forget.
Yes bu don't forget the title that comes with it
An example now: your mind is prone to too much distraction.
Tak a walk a good distraction that also burns calories
But this is a weird idea that Marx never had
ut this is a weird idea that Marx never had.
The advice of 500 (Boule) held its regular meetings here.
The advice of 500 (Boule) held its regular meetings here. El consejo de 500 (Boule) celebró sus reuniones regulares aquí. Everything is explained by Marko, wit
And look out to the little ones for the day
You and me, we can look out for each other.
the test includes three triathlons with varying degrees of difficulty.
With this test you can detect Spice, K2 and K3. Con esta prueba se puede detectar Spice, K2 y K3. The test includes three triathlons with varying degrees of di
One night, Mark was in the study with a man
In the study, 20 patients were treated with Imatinib +IFN. En el estudio, 20 pacientes fueron tratados con Imatinib +IFN. A study of 150 patients in 2006 showe
The literature is relatively recent, with good review and discussion.
Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers
My second observation is that this field needs more research.
This helmet is based on the research of Marcus Junkelmann. Este casco se basa en la investigación de Marcus Junkelmann. For Laura Cornejo research, criticism a
Navigate the next digital revolution in our report with Bing.
This latest report includes data collected between 2015 and 2017. Este último informe incluye datos recopilados entre 2015 y 2017. The rugby in a social projec