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Name 4  items of clothing (Clothes)
Cap, T-shirt, shoes, shorts, hat, dress, socks, jacket, pants, sweater ...
Name 4 Classroom Objects
Pencil, pen, eraser, pencil case, notebook, sharpener, ruler, school bag ...
Name 4 Marvel Characters
Spiderman, Ironman, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawk Eye, Doctor Strange ...
Name 4 Disney Movies
Encanto, Maleficent, The Avengers, Avatar, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast, Narnia ...
Name 4 Farm Animals
Pig, cow, horse, chicken, duck, sheep, rabbit, mouse, turkey, dog, cat ...
Name 4 Vehicles (Transportation)
Car, motorcycle, bicycle, bus, taxi, van, truck, train, airplane, subway, ship, boat, helicopter ...
Name 4 Fruits or Vegetables (Food)
Apple, pear, banana, strawberry, watermelon, lettuce, tomato, potato, beet, cauliflower, eggplant, cucumber ...
Name 4 Colors
Red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink, white, black, brown, gray ...
Name 4 Parts of the Body
Head, eyes, hair, nose, mouth, ears, foot/feet, arms, legs, shoulders ..
Name 4 Wild Animals
Lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, monkey, panda, shark, zebra, gorilla, bear, crocodile, cheetah ...
Name 4 Sports
Soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball, golf, tennis, rugby, volleyball, badminton, swimming, running ...
Name 4 Toys
Doll, ball, toy car, train, teddy bear, video game, robot, kite, blocks, airplane, bike, skateboard ...