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Black History Month

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What animal does Tiana and Naveen turn into
What happened to the Beignets at the party?
They all fell onto Tiana and on the ground
What treat did Charlotte want Tiana to make for the party?
Who was Harriet Tubman and what did she do?
She was a former slave and freed slaves
What are HBCU's
Historically Black Colleges
Who is Serena Williams?
A Tennis Player
Who is Maya Angleou
A Poet
What kind of food is eaten for SOUL FOOD? name 3
Collard greens, Mac N Cheese, Grits, Fried Chicken, Gumbo, Chicken and Waffles, King Cake
Where does Princess and the Frog take place?
New Orleans
Why does prince Naveen turn into a frog?
He made a deal with the voodoo man
What does Princess Tiana wanna do?
Open a restaurant
Why is smiling important?
It makes you happy and other..... (etc.)
What are ways to feel joy?
Doing something nice, being happy from the inside out, doing something for yourself,etc.
What is the name of this hairstlye?
When is Black History Month?
Who is this famous Black person?
President Barack Obama
Who is this famous Black person?
Malcolm X
Who is this famous black peron?
Kamala Harris Vice President of the United States