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vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. I must be a good leader
2. Good leaders make good decisions
1. In baby rhino becomes an adult rhino
2. A child becomes a youth
1. My mom put a challenge
2. I´m put a challenge whith my brother
1. My mom helps me with a resolution
2. I help my brother to solve a resolution
1. My brother makes a plan
2. With my brother we make a plan to get the chocolate cookies
1. My brother categorize his toys
2. I´m categorize my boock
1. I have good behavior in class
2. My brother has good behavior in his classes
1. I'm stressed sometimes
2. I get stressed when I'm under a lot of pressure
1. I´m play in the recess
2. I´m drink water in recess
1. I do a survey to my brother
2. I do a survey to my family
1. I forget the keys
2. forget to turn off the tv
1. The video games is a distraction
2. The cellphone is a distraction
1. This car is weird
2. This book is weird
1. My mom gives me some advice
2. I give advice to my brother
1. My brother is look out to his class
2. I am look out to my class
1. My mom make me a test
2. My brother has an test
1. I´m study one hour
2. You study your homework
1. I´m review a animal
2. My brother review a homework
1. My dad research a animal
2. My grandmother research some questions
1. cases of the country are reported in the news
2. My brother report a problems in the world