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HR & Communications in Healthcare Ch. 1&2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is HIPAA? What does it stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act- Patients information is privileged and confidential
Why is proper attire for an MA important?
Answers will vary
4 Main Categories of General Skills
Communication, Legal and Ethical Concerns, Instruction, Operational Functions
Extension of the providers role of assessment, examination, diagnosis and treatment
Clinical Skills
Clinical Skills
Extension of the providers role of assessment, examination, diagnosis and treatment
Five Stages of Dying/ Coping
Statement issued by a board or association that verifies that that a person meets professional standards- similar to certification
Who was responsible for creating an oath that sets a moral standard for physicians to practice medicine upon:
What is an Urgent Care center?
Answers will vary
How is the amounts of Patients seeking medical treatment NOT considered a factor to the rise of health care costs as medicine advances?
Answers will vary.
Name the symbol of the medical profession and and what is it represented by?
caduceus - Staff with twisted serpents ? ?
Who is Florence Nightingale?
Answers will vary- Founder of Nursing
What is telemedicine and how might it be useful?
Answers will vary.
What are some benefits of using a managed care organization (MCO)
Ne deductible, Smaller co pay, 100% coverage
What is your definition of Teamwork?
Answers will vary.
What is a Pediatrician?
A doctor that specializes in dealing with the treatment of children and adolescents is known as:
Name the Greek & Egyptian Gods of healing?
Imhotep & Asclpius
What is a Patient Navigator?
Connects the Patient with outside resources and services to bridge any potential gaps in healthcare
Name two important skills to use when trying to understand a viewpoint or evaluating a patients behavior.
Listening & Observing
Name 4 different types of Hospital Centers and Explain Each.
Convalescent hospital, Specialty Hospital, Rehabilitation Center, Substance Abuse Center, Mental Health Hospital
At which stage of dying does a patient with a terminal illness reach a point of feeling at peace?
Provide 5 Examples of Soft Skills
Answers will vary
What are soft skills?
Answers may vary
Difference between Stress & Burnout
Stress- Feeling Overwhelmed Burnout- Exhaustion, Feeling Over it or Done
Type of work where a schedule may permit working different hours on different days within an available range of hours?
Word that means to feel pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune:
The "B" in DABDA stands for:
T/F People facing death may have extreme responses to the situation, therefore it is hard to predict how each patient will react