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B1+ U6 Review Activities

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you gave me a choice between .............. watching a Liverpool match ........... having a curry, I'd choose ............. because I wouldn't be able to decide.
If you gave me a choice between EITHER watching a Liverpool match OR having a curry, I'd choose NEITHER because I wouldn't be able to dec
There are ............. things I enjoy doing more than having a good curry and .......... beers with some friends!
There are FEW things I enjoy doing more than having a good curry and A FEW beers with some friends!
Dave loves watching Liverpool but he hasn't been able to go to .............. matches since he's been in Spain. (a. some b. enough c. lots)
Dave loves watching Liverpool but he hasn't been able to go to ENOUGH matches since he's been in Spain.
.......... the cloned animals were identical.
ALL the cloned animals were identical.
.......... of us enjoyed the film. (a. every b. none c. either)
NONE of us enjoyed the film.
I have ........... pet spiders, and I love looking after them.
I have A FEW pet spiders, and I love looking after them.
He told us interesting facts about .......... of the animals. (a. every b. each c. few)
He told us interesting facts about EACH of the animals.
Neither our hearing ......... our sense of smell can match a dog's.
Neither our hearing NOR our sense of smell can match a dog's.
There was .......... time left, so we had to be quick.
There was LITTLE time left, so we had to be quick.