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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The fire started in the house of the king’s ..........., near London Bridge.
Then came ........................, the year of the Great Fire of London.
Sometimes there were ...............in the city, but they were usually very small.
Soon after ............., the Romans left Britain.
Romans built a town on the River Thames. The name of the town was ................................
The ...................went to England many years ago.
William was afraid of the people of London and he built the .............. to live there.
White Tower
In 1066 William the Conqueror came to London from ........and became King of London.
In ..........William the Conqueror came to London from France and became King of London.
6) The largest park in London is .........
Hyde Park
5) You can buy ......., ..........and ......... in it.
clothes, shoes and toys
4) .......... is London's main shopping centre.
Oxford Street
3) In London you can find some of the best ......, .......and .........
theatres, cinemas and museums
2) It is a centre for ..... and for .......
for business and for tourism
1) More than ....... million people live and work in London.