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FM 11 - The Passive
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lisa gave Sali a Chanel bag on her graduation day. --> Sali ... / A Chanel bag ...
Sali was given a Chanel bag on her graduation day. / A Chanel bag was given to Sali on her graduation day.
People thought that Maria had died in the storm. --> Maria ...
Maria was thought to have died in the storm.
I / (permit) / play / video games / because / I / already / finish / homework.
I am permitted to play video games because I have already finished my homework.
Fraud - Robbery
Last week, my father ___ (punch) me in the face when he ___ (find out) that I ___ (expel) from school.
punched - found out - was expelled
Theft - Mugging
My son ___ (receive) lots of lucky money on previous Tet holidays, but this year he ___ (give) any because he is a grown-up now.
received - is not going to be given / will not be given
My mom ___ (buy) me plenty of things when I entered university. Most importantly, I ___ (give) a brand new iPhone.
bought - was given
How long ___ the shop ___ ? (close) --> It will be closed for three days.
will the shop be closed
The police officer says that $200,000 ___ (steal) yesterday, but luckily nobody ___ (injure).
was stolen - was injured
The police department ___ (just announce) that the Gulugulu's Bank ___ (rob) yesterday.
has just announced - was robbed
Brenda is always busy, so her baby ___ (look after) by a babysitter.
is looked after
Last night, Frank ___ (arrest) for drunk driving.
was arrested
Tom's boss ___ (recently have) an affair with a woman he met at a bar.
has recently had