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Intro to Eggs review

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T/F: Once you refrigerate an egg, it can no longer safely be stored at room temperature.
True- it will "sweat" and allow bacteria to grow
If an egg is placed into a glass of water and it floats, is it most likely a fresh egg or an older egg?
Older egg
If an egg is fertilized, what does the germinal disc look like?
Has a ring around it
Why are some chicken eggs brown and others are white?
Different breeds of chickens
Define Poultry.
Domesticated birds raised primarily for meat, eggs, or feathers.
Why do some eggs become animals and some do not?
Eggs may be laid fertilized or unfertilized
What are the 3 egg grades in the United States?
AA, A, B
The arrow is pointing to what on this egg yolk?
Germinal disc
These arrows are pointing to what part of the egg?
What is the function of the egg shell?
Allows egg to "breathe," protects the internal egg parts
What is the function of the shell membrane?
Retains water, keeps bacteria out of the egg
What is the function of the air cell?
Aids in grading eggs & telling their age; gets larger as the egg gets older
What happens at the Germinal Disc?
Embryo begins to develop at this point of the egg is fertilized. If not fertilized, it remains a white dot with no function
What is the function of the chalazae?
Supports the yolk, keeps it centered & oriented correctly
What is the function of the egg yolk?
Provides nutrients to the developing embryo