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FD 9 - Practice: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Puka ___ (go) to bed late last night.
(finish) / this / morning / homework / his / Jackson / already
Jackson has already finished his homework this morning.
my life / I / 5 years / (meet) / of / ago / the love
I met the love of my life 5 years ago.
I ___ (see) a typewriter when I ___ (visit) my grandmother 12 years ago.
saw - visited
She ___ (live) in seven different countries before, so she knows a lot about different cultures.
has lived
Asher: How long _____ (you live) in London? Benny: For more than 10 years, since 2000.
have you lived
I ___ (be) to Thailand before. It ___ (be) in 1995.
have been - was
Mandy ___ (work) in this company ___ (for/since) she ___ (graduate) university.
has worked - since - graduated
Mya ___ (start) selling whitening cream when she ___ (be) a teenager.
started - was
just / My / and / (travel) / I / Korea / mother / to
My mother and I have just travelled to Korea.
___ (you / ever / be) to Paris?
Have you ever been
I ___ (watch) 10 movies so far this year.
have watched
Last year, Linna ___ (fall) in love with Tom.