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Climate change

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Glaciers are increasing because of global warming. True or False
What should we do to reduce carbon emission?
We should use less fossil fuel based products, We should plant trees. But especially we should inform next generations about climate change
We should cut trees to stop climate change. True or False ?
What can we do to reduce our direct and indirect impacts on the environment and climate change?
We should recycle plastic,clothes,paper / We should use public transport and bike for reduce air pollution
Animals move earlier and breed earlier because of Climate change. True or False ?
Population Explosion is one of the causes of global warming. True or False ?
A process in which the Earth gets warmer and warmer.
Global warming
Which gas is produced after burning fossil fuel?
Carbon dioxide
Walking and cycling short distances can help reduce your carbon footprints. True or false?
Charcoal production doesn't harm the environment. True or False ?