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Healthy Me! (Should/Shouldn't)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you do to take care of yourself?
Answers may vary... (I eat vegetables with every meal.)
When you are in a car you do this with a seat belt...
To fasten
Playing video games, going to bed late and a bad posture are an example of...
unhealthy habits
It's important to do this before/after you exercise.
To stretch
Going to bed early, eating healthy food, and exercising are examples of...
Healthy Habits
Should they study for the English exam?
It's snowing! What should we do?
Answers may vary. (Ex: We should...)
I'm tired. Can you give him advice?
Answers may vary
I am bored at weekends? Give me advice.
Answers may vary (Ex: You should join a sports team.)
A persosn has COVID. What SHOULDN'T that person do?
Answers may vary. (EX: He shouldn't be with other people.)
She has a toothache. Give her advice.
She should go to the dentist.
a hat/wear/ Sofia/at/the beach/should
Sofia should wear a hat at the beach.
play/video games/shouldn't/we/day/all
We shouldn't play videogames all day.
sleep/children/eight/hours/a day/should
Children should sleep eight hours a day.
Should we practice sports?
What do you do every day?
Answers may vary. (Ex: I go to bed early every day.)
How often do you floss?
I floss....
Do you go to bed early? If so, at what time?
I go to bed at...
How much screen time do you have a day?
I have_______ of screen time every day.
How often do you exercise?
I exercise...
You should cross the street here. What is it?
A zebra crossing
You should wear this in the car. What is it?
A seatbelt
You should do this with the rubbish. What is it?
Giving advice using when or because: screen time
Answers may vary.
Give advice using when or because: to feel under the weather
Answers may vary.
Give advice using when or because: Bad Posture
Answers may vary.