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Two Week Review: May 11-May 22

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jack is smarter than the giant. Is this sentence fact or opinion?
Opinion. It depends on what you think. Your friend might think differently. I think the mom is the smartest.
What would the goose's point of view be?
I just want to be at peace! Stop stealing me!
Hermit crabs can be tricky to care for. Is this statement a fact or opinion? How do you know?
Opinion. Not all people would find it tricky to care for a hermit crab. It is someone's opinion.
What page can I find out more about the hermit crab colony?
Page 8
Under what heading and page number can I find out what hermit crabs eat?
How do hermit crabs live? Page 7
Jack's Tale and the Giant's Tale were both about the same story. Who was the good guy in this story?
Could be either. It depends on which point of view you take.
What is a variable in coding?
Variable - A placeholder for a piece of information that can change.
What kinds of weather does Sylvester make happen when he first finds his pebble?
Rain, sunshine, Rain
Where is Sylvester in this picture?
He's a rock!
What was Sylvester feeling when he ran into the lion?
terror, fear, terrorizing fear
What was the setting of where Sylvester turned into a rock?
Cherry Hill
Why did Fergus and Dink not want to go into the water? What was in there?
lurking murky ickiness
What did the characters do to Dave? Name two things
Pretended to ride him in the sand. Dressed him up in seaweed. Named him Dave. Returned him to the ocean.
In the book, Pig Kahuna, what did Fergus feel when he saw Dave floating in the water?
panic, a need to rescue him, not scared for himself
In Pig Kahuna, what were the characters names?
Fergus, Dink and Dave
How many triangles make up a hexagon?
3D shape question: How many faces does a cube have?
How many vertices does a hexagon have?
What other shape would I need to make the square?
a triangle
I am a scaredy cat if I am afraid. True or false?