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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(The teacher) always Punishes Tom.
Who always punishes Tom?
I Prefer (the blue t-shirt)
Which t-shirt do you prefer?
My cousins play (a tennis match) every Saturday morning.
What do your cousins play every Saturday morning?
Lucy celebrates her birthday party (this afternoon).
When does Lucy celebrate her birthday party?
The exam is (at a quarter to nine).
What time is the exam?
Jason and Tim are (17 years old).
How old are Jason and Tim?
Ron's sister's name is (Martha).
What is Ron's sister's name?
Nick usually meets (his friends) on Saturday afternoon.
Who does Nick usually meet on Saturday afternoons?
Jane always studies hard (because she wants to get good marks).
Why does Jane always study hard?
I have (two hundred) friends on Instagram.
How many friends do you have on Instagram?
My sister's fine.
How is your sister?
Paul studies (law) at University.
What does Paul stydy at University?
Jessica spends many hours (in her bedroom).
Where does Jessica spend many hours?
I live (in New York).
Where do you live?
Sarah can speak (4) languages.
How many languages can Sarah speak?
This is (Lisa's) book.
Whose book is this?
My mum does the shopping (once a week).
How often does your mum do the shopping?
I always go to school (at eight o'clock).
What time do you go to school?
This car costs ($300.00).
How much does this car cost?
She goes to work (by bus).
How does she go to work?
Today is rainy and windy.
What is the weather like today?
Robert's parents fly to Paris (every Summer).
How often do Robert's parents fly to Paris?
Tom lives with (his parents)
Who does Tom live with?