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Photosynthesis & Respiration

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Respiration is just about breathing.
False - Respiration is a chemical reaction of sugar and oxygen changing into carbon dioxide and water.
Glucose (sugar) is a monomer. What is the polymer?
True or False: Plants get their energy directly from the sun.
False - Energy from the sun allows the plant to carry out photosynthesis and produce sugars. Respiration breaks down sugar into energy for the
What happens to the water animals produce as a result of respiration?
It is breathed, peed, or sweat out.
What happens to the carbon dioxide animals produce as a result of respiration?
Carbon dioxide is breathed out.
Where do animals get the sugar needed for respiration?
From eating
Where do animals get the oxygen needed for respiration?
From breathing
True or False: Only animals do respiration.
False - Plants do respiration at night, when there is no sun.
True or False: Plants get their food from the soil.
False - Plants get their food from a chemical reaction between CO2 and H2O.
True or false: Only plants do photosynthesis.
False - an handful of other kinds of organisms (like cyanobacteria) do photosynthesis.
Plants' bodies are mostly made up of...
Sugar (carbon)
Plants obtain water through their ______.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen are both _____ found in the air.
A _________ is a process in which reactants change into new products.
Chemical reaction
Matter cannot be created or _______.
Plants use ______ for energy and to build up their bodies.
Photosynthesis requires _______, which is why it only happens during the day.
A chemical reaction is when atoms __________ to form substances that are new.
Photosynthesis and respiration are both examples of a chemical _________.
Photosynthesis and respiration are related because they are _________ of each other.
Which organelle does respiration?
Which organelle does photosynthesis?
What are the two reactants of respiration?
Oxygen and sugar
What are the two reactants of photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide and water
Name the two products of photosynthesis.
Oxygen and sugar
Name the two products of respiration.
Carbon dioxide and water
The purpose of respiration is to make _______.
The purpose of photosynthesis is to make ______.