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Jamestown Part 2

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What happened to John Smith?
he was injured in a gun powder explosion and had to return to England
In the end, what happened between the Native Americans and colonists at Jamestown?
the colonists took over their lands for tobacco and they were forced out
Once Jamestown grew and more and more large farms were built, farmers started using ______ as laborers.
What was the House of Burguesses?
the government set up at Jamestown
What crop made a lot of money for Jamestown?
What did the colonists do to Pocahontas?
captured her and forced her to live at Jamestown
Why was the second winter at Jamestown called, "The Starving Period?"
The colonists had no food to eat and could not escape the fort with Powhatan's men surrounding it.
What was the effect of the colonists demanding food from the Native Ameicans?
Powhatan ordered his warriors to surround the fort. No one could escape. The colonists starved.
Because of the drought, the colonists were unable to grow food. This caused them to do what?
violently demand food from the Native Americans
Once John Smith became govenor, the colonists focused all of their effort on:
When John Smith became president of Jamestown, his main rule was "He that will not ____, shall not eat."