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January 2022 - Part 2 Review
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did we made for science this week?
What is the name of our new friend that started with us last week? A) Heffer B) Jeffer C) Jeffrey D) Jiffy
C) Jeffrey
What cooking activity did we do this Monday?
Which means something a person is allowed to have, get or do? A) Right B) Left C) Privilege D) Entitlement
A) Right
What substance is often called "seasonal allergy"? A) Pollen B) Milk C) Nuts D) Eggs
A) Pollen
When is Lunar New Year?
February 1
According to BrainPOP, what do all bacteria have in common? A) They're all multi-cellular organisms B) They're all single-celled organisms C) They all have a very bad odor D) They can only be found in the United States
B) They're all single-celled organisms
What does the word 'tsunami' mean in the Japanese language?
Harbor Wave
In which country is it illegal to flush a toilet after 10pm? A) Germany B) Switzerland C) Armenia D) Ireland
B) Switzerland
"Ditch New Year's Resolution Day" is on what day? A) January 12th B) January 14th C) January 17th D) January 19th
C) January 17th
The little piece of paper sticking out of a Hershey's Kiss is called: A) Tiggly Wiggly B) Niggly Wiggly C) Nuggly Wuggly D) Wiggly Niggly
B) Niggly Wiggly
How many species of grass are known? A) Over 3,000 B) Over 4,000 C) Over 5,000 D) Over 6,000
D) Over 6,000
A rhombicuboctahedron is a shape that has how many sides? A) 12 B) 16 C) 24 D) 26
D) 26
In which US State can you get a driver's permit at age 14 with parental consent? A) North Dakota B) South Dakota C) Virginia D) West Virginia
B) South Dakota
What is the state bird of Missouri?
Eastern Bluebird
What is the capital of Missouri?
Jefferson City
Which state has an Osage Shield on its state flag? A) Louisiana B) Oklahoma C) Arkansas D) Wyoming
B) Oklahoma
How many states borders Okalahoma? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6
D) 6
Which state is nicknamed the Pelican State?
In what region is Louisiana located in? A) Midwest B) Gulf Coast C) MId-Atlantic D) South
B) Gulf Coast