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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many white pawns are in a chess match?
Which piece that has 9 points?
The queen
WhichĀ  that has 5 points?
The rook
WhichĀ  piece moves diagonally?
The bishop
WhichĀ  piece that can move 2 steps in the initial position?
The pawn
WhichĀ  piece moves in a different way to capture another piece?
The pawn
Which piece is in the square E1?
The king
Which piece is in the square B8?
The knight
Which piece is in the square A8?
The rook
Which piece is in the square D8?
The queen
Which piece isĀ  in the square F1?
The bishop
What color is the square G4?
What color is the square E5?
What colorĀ Ā is the square H1?
What colorĀ Ā is the square H8?
Which piece can move in all directions but only one step at a time?
The king
Which piece can move in all directions ?
The queen
Which piece that moves in an L?
The knight
Which pieceĀ  hasĀ  an infinite points?
The king