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Rubio Family Therapy

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are 3 healthy ways to get energy out when someone is too hyper?
Jumping Jacks, yoga, run, walk, dance, exercise, sports
You have the talking stick, what do you want to ask or tell your family? If you have already gotten the talking stick pick someone who hasnt to take it.
You have the talking stick, what do you want to ask or tell your family? If you have already gotten the talking stick pick someone who hasnt to take it.
You have the talking stick, what do you want to ask or tell your family? If you have already gotten the talking stick pick someone who hasnt to take it.
What is a goal you have, what is something that gets in the way?
What is one thing you can admit you need to work on and improve?
Share something that each family member has done to make you happy this month
What are three ways to feel safe?
If you were a HELPFUL superhero, what would your power be and why?
If we want to do something, but are told "no", what should we do about it?
What is a tip you can share that helps people do well in school?
When you are angry, how can your family help you calm down?
When you are worried, what is something your family can do to make you feel better?
Can you give each family member a compliment?
What is one thing that makes you mad, and one thing that makes you feel better?