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Famous Composers

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This composer was popular during the end of the classical period and the beginning of the Romantic period.
Franz Schubert.
This Austrian composer was born in 1797 and died in 1828. He was only 31 years old.
Franz Schubert
This American composer studied music in France.
Aaron Copland
This composer wrote many foksongs.
Aaron Copland
This German composer was born in 1770 and died in 1827.
This composer was first taught music by his father.
This American composer was born in New York, in 1900.
Aaron Copland
This artist composed during the 1930s and 1940s.
Aaron Copland.
This composer's most famous work is The Unfinshed Symphony.
Franz Schubert
This composer wrote Fanfare for the Commo Man
Aaron Copland
This composer wrote Rodeo and Billy the Kid.
Aaron Copland
This composer wrote Appalachian Spring.
Aaron Copland
This composer wrote in the Populist style.
Aaron Copland
This composer composed Fur Elise.
The Eroica Symphony was this composers best-known work.
This composer was deaf.