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Rational Functions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are x = -3 and x = 4
The x-intercepts
The vertical asymptotes
The holes
My favorite numbers
Where is the y-intercept in the following function?
There's a hole there
y = 1/4
Witness protection
Where are the x-intercepts in the following graph...
x = 4
x = -2
x = 2
x = -2/3
Find the holes (if any) in the following function...
There are none
x = -2, 1
x = 2, -1
x = 4
What is the Horizontal Asymptote of the function
y = 0
x = 0
There is none
y = -1/3
Where are the holes in the following function?
There are none
x = 4, -4
At the origin
Swiss Cheese
Where is the y-intercept of the following graph?
At the origin
There's a hole there
There's an asymptote there
On the beach in Tahiti sipping a margarita
What are the x-intercepts of the following function?
x = 0, 4, -4
x = 0, 16
x = 4, -4
There are none
Describe the domain of the following function...
All reals except x = -2, 3
All reals except x = -1, 5
All reals except x = -5, 1
All reals except x = -3, 2
Find the Horizontal Asymptote of this function...
There is none
y = -1/4
x = -1/4
y = 1/4
Where is the y-intercept of this function?
y = -8
y = 8
x = -8
x = 8
Where is/are the x-intercept(s) of this function?
x = 4
x = -1, 4
x = -1
y = 8
Where is the vertical asymptote of this function?
x = 1
x = -1
x = 1, -1
x = 4, -1
What is the domain of this function?
All reals except x = 1, -1
All real numbers
x = 1, -1
All reals except x = -4, 1
Find the Horizontal Asymptote
y = -2
y = 0
x = 0 
x = -2
The horizontal asymptote will be equal to the ratio of its leading coefficients when
when the degrees are the same
the degree on the top is bigger
the degree on the bottom is bigger
98 Degrees was a great band
Evaluating a rational function at zero is the best way to determine where...
the y-intercept is
the x-intercepts are
to go for fresh produce
the holes are
Setting the denominator equal to zero and solving will help you find...
Holes and Vertical Asymptotes
Vertical Asymptotes
Horizontal Asymptotes
Setting the numerator equal to zero and solving will help you find...
Excluded Values
Purpose in life
Excluded values resulting from factors that can NOT be canceled will cause...
Vertical Asymptotes
Horizontal Asymptotes
Tsunamis in 3rd World countries
Holes occur when the value of a rational function is...
Vertical Asymptotes are always written in the form...
x = #
y = #
y = mx + b
Chuck Norris
Horizontal Asymptotes are always written in the form....
y = #
x = #
Horizontal whaa?
Take the L.
When the numerator's degree is bigger, the Horizontal Asymptote is...
There is none
y = 0
x = 0
If the denominator's degree is bigger than the numerator's degree, Horizontal Asymptote is...
y = 0
y = 1
There is none
x = 0